The connection between the macro Universal Logic dimension
and the micro mental dimension of Man.
Existing hybrid state of man and how to move beyond it
In addition to viewing the evolution of logic in terms of its three processes (random, programmed and intelligent), we can also see it in terms of three major dimensions. One is the macro, all-inclusive, universal logic dimension. The second is the micro dimension of the components which keeps changing, from place to place, time to time, and form to form. The third is a hybrid of these two. The micro dimension consists of the basic micro unit having a particular discrete function, which is stable for a certain time dimension in the history of that phenomenon. The interactions of this specific function and their results dovetail into the process of larger interactions where changes begin to happen. It is these changes which eventually add up to becoming manifest evolutionary changes. So in this sense, micro units are the ‘functions’ and the larger units are those of change. The actual process of evolutionary change operates in terms of the larger units instead of the micro units. And the largest unit is the Universal Logic Process.
The micro unit also has its components but is at the same time a component of a bigger dimension of phenomena. To take an example, in the case of the human species or living species we can identify the individual specimen as the micro unit. We all know that the individual specimen is made up of many components, but if we are looking at the species (the macro unit) then the micro unit would be the individual specimen as a whole. So in reality the micro is always in relation to some macro unit that is stable. Which means there are many scales of micro dimensions, which can be identified as micro units in relation to some larger unit. This tells us that any micro unit is not a rigid fixed thing like the various figures in Mathematics, which remain what they are whether they are a part of a large or small number or on their own. In objective reality it is not like that. Thus we must not make the mistake of thinking about any fluid micro dimension or units in fixed terms, i.e., like we do in mathematics. If we want to look at them as objective realities then they will be relative. A question can very well arise here that if they are relative then why do we say macro and micro are different? The answer is that we are referring to the difference between various units. When there is an all-inclusive unit, we call it macro and when it is relatively exclusive it starts becoming micro. So every exclusivity we can identify is a unit of functions. And micro unit means the smallest unity in the context of the phenomenon we are looking at.
Between the largest macro unit and the smallest micro units exists the third dimension of hybrid units. These innumerable hybrids, exist in the form of different formations, which keep coming up in Nature’s journey. It is when we look at phenomena both at the macro and the micro levels simultaneously at any given time that we will see this third dimension of hybrid units. If we zero in on the micro unit of living species, particularly the ‘civilized’ human being, we will see three further units of the individual micro dimension. Logically, the first unit of contemporary man would be the software process. Of course we know that this process was born out of the fairly developed state of the random process but since we are looking at the individual unit of present man in whom the software process is dominant, hence we consider the software process as the first unit, and then the random processes, within which it is operating, as the second unit.
In the age of civilization there emerges the third unit within the human individual—the intelligent process. On the evolutionary scale it is the successor to the software process although it arises out of its functioning and evolution. It operates as a new comer within the context of an operating programmed process, which in turn is functioning within the random process. So we find all these three processes operating within an indivudal at the same time, sometimes together and at other times against each other. Although there arise various permutations and combinations of harmony and conflict or contradiction between them, but all these processes still exist and work in the same framework of an individual’s environment. They are clearly three different formations having different mechanics and yet they are parts of the same micro unit of the individual. Thus, we have the individual specimen, who remains an individual unit, but is also a composite of all these three processes. If we observe what is happening in the moment we will find all these three processes functioning in terms of either logical contradictions or logical harmony. But in the context of a larger time dimension, we will clearly see an evolution going on, in the design and the components of the individual system, from an unintelligent state to an intelligent state. Wherein the whole logic of the unit (internally and externally) is now integrated on the plane of the intelligent process and no longer on the plane of software or randomness. We know there is an integration even in randomness, in terms of energy balance. And when we come to living things we find an integration in terms of the software process.
With human beings we observe yet another plane of integration on the basis of the intelligent process. The logical tendency of this process is to correspond to objective logic which means looking at a thing not in a moment and on its own but in terms of the larger macro context in which that it exists. This is a radically new level of integration on the plane of the intelligent process beyond randomness and software, which only create conflict and contradiction due to the resistance they create for the new process. At this stage both the evolution of the macro phenomenon, or the Universal logic Process and the evolution of a micro unit, i.e. the individual, come on to the same plane, producing a new level of integration, with minimal conflicts and contradictions. It is also important to recall that Universal Logic Process like ‘intelligent process’ is a dynamic and not a dogma state. With the emergence of the latter, dynamism becomes something common between the macro and micro dimensions. Which tells us the potential role of the intelligent process in the larger context. Particularly when it becomes intelligent about the random and software processes, which are still the larger part of our operating programmes. Then begins the journey of fulfilling that potential as reality.
We will find that the role of the intelligent process of individuals is clearly to successfully resolve the conflicts with its own software and random processes and those of its environment. Because on the one hand it operates as a unit and on the other hand it operates as a part of a larger unit, such as the species and its environment and then the larger units of reality beyond the species. So the nature of its role is to permeate all other connected forms and phenomena and then raise the process of resolving conflicts and contradictions between different phenomena to an intelligent plane, which is the road to the state of harmony beyond the state of contradiction. In that journey the intelligent process has to overcome the prevailing force and domination of the random and programmed processes. Because historically they have been dominant, and this situation will continue until the emerging intelligent process is able to overwhelm the momentum and dynamic force of these two processes. Here we can again observe a commonplace process in Nature that whenever something new is born in the process of evolution then it has to grow in capability and power, to become the operating and principle characteristic of the phenomenon out of which it is born. It has to impart its own character to the pre-existing phenomenon, because that is how the old phenomenon undergoes a qualitative change. So this is the evolutionary journey of the new processes or any new reality in Nature. Here we need to take note that any such journey is not marked simply by a process of mechanical travelling in which we repeat the same quantitative steps like we do in travelling or walking from one place to another. Not so in evolution because there we are not only dealing with factors and components we started out with but also new factors emerging at every stage of the evolutionary journey. In the earlier processes there are fewer factors and components actively involved but as the next stages unfold factors which are previously not involved in the action are now pulled in. Consequently existing factors change their shape and genuinely new factors are also born. That is why this journey is not to be confused with the experience of a physical mechanical journey viewed in the short term. Although in the long term even a specific mechanical journey can be seen to be a part of the larger process of evolution and not something existing by itself.
It is in the above manner that the further evolutionary journey of our mental processes will take place. This is how the intelligent process from being the weakest will become the dominant process, where the pre-existing processes (the random and programmed processes) become subordinated to it. So contemporary man confronts this evolutionary journey. We know that in all evolutionary journeys, the emerging process, which has to logically become the dominant and defining characteristic of the phenomenon within which it is emerging, itself changes. One can see this even in the case of any physical journey. For example, when a baby is born it must necessarily change in the course of fulfilling its programmed journey into childhood, youth etc. The same applies, although on a more complex and significant scale, to the emergence of the intelligent process and its journey within the framework of the human software and random processes. The intelligent process will also not remain what it is to begin with. Thus, during this journey the intelligent process itself must change, not just quantitatively, but also qualitatively. It must add to itself features and create more components, functions and capabilities which neither existed earlier nor at present. This process needs to continue until the new capabilities integrate with the intelligent process and enable it to reorganize the entire mental complex. And eventually its journey reaches the stage of its logical fulfillment, where the intelligent process acquires its new status as the defining characteristic of the human phenomenon.
The above is the principle issue of human evolution in our time. So it would not be incorrect to say that the evolutionary journey of man becomes the story of the evolutionary (not mechanical) journey of his intelligent process. And of course it is a condition of that journey that at every step it is able to produce new components in active opposition to the random and the programmed process because their existing domination is in contradiction to the emergence of a qualitatively new state of man. So actually it is a struggle between the logic of inertia of the old forces and the logic of the new emerging forces. And we need to keep in mind that the new forces may be weaker and smaller to begin with but have a much greater and more powerful dynamic compared to the diminishing dynamic of the old forces. This is the nature of contemporary struggle within man today.
i. Stability means that a specific function is identifiable in terms of its interactions and their results.
ii. Until and unless it disintegrates and is wiped off as a macro unit from the natural evolutionary process. In other words a species becomes extinct.
iii. In objective reality we do not have the luxury of the logic of specific figures, which like words have been artificially devised by the human mind. These concepts, produced in the mind, are artificial vis-à-vis objective realities existing independently of or outside the mind. Mind is also a reality, but the ideas and concepts it produces are largely subjective. And it is only when its ‘idea realities’ correspond to reality outside of it that we can say it is working objectively. Otherwise we will have to say that it is working subjectively or is producing subjective realities. So in that sense Mathematics is a subjective reality and only reflects some aspects of external realities but those realities in themselves actually exist and work differently. Objectively they are existing holistically and in a dynamic state with all their ever changing interconnections and interactions.
iv. The random process exists as the larger dimension and the emergence of the software is an exception to it; it is a new comer in the midst of the random process and does not operate by itself but in the dynamic context of the ongoing random process.
v.. The logic of its various components and functions and their interactions.
vi. The individual’s own and that of his environment.